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Read Shared Memory Application Programming : Concepts and Strategies in Multicore Application Programming by Victor Alessandrini DOC


Shared Memory Application Programming presents the key concepts and applications of parallel programming, in an accessible and engaging style applicable to developers across many domains. Multithreaded programming is today a core technology, at the basis of all software development projects in any branch of applied computer science. This book guides readers to develop insights about threaded programming and introduces two popular platforms for multicore development: OpenMP and Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB). Author Victor Alessandrini leverages his rich experience to explain each platform s design strategies, analyzing the focus and strengths underlying their often complementary capabilities, as well as their interoperability. The book is divided into two parts: the first develops the essential concepts of thread management and synchronization, discussing the way they are implemented in native multithreading libraries (Windows threads, Pthreads) as well as in the modern C++11 threads standard. The second provides an in-depth discussion of TBB and OpenMP including the latest features in OpenMP 4.0 extensions to ensure readers skills are fully up to date. Focus progressively shifts from traditional thread parallelism to modern task parallelism deployed by modern programming environments. Several chapter include examples drawn from a variety of disciplines, including molecular dynamics and image processing, with full source code and a software library incorporating a number of utilities that readers can adapt into their own projects. Designed to introduce threading and multicore programming to teach modern coding strategies for developers in applied computing Leverages author Victor Alessandrini's rich experience to explain each platform s design strategies, analyzing the focus and strengths underlying their often complementary capabilities, as well as their interoperability Includes complete, up-to-date discussions of OpenMP 4.0 and TBB Based on the author s training sessions, including information on source code and software libraries which can be repurposed ", Shared Memory Application Programming: Concepts and Strategies in Multicore Application Programming presents the key concepts and applications of parallel programming in an accessible and engaging style applicable to developers across many domains. Multithreaded programming is a core technology at the basis of any software development project in any branch of applied computer science. This book presents tactics readers can use to develop insights on threaded programming and introduces two popular platforms for multicore development, OpenMP and Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB). Author Victor Alessandrini leverages his rich experience to explain each platform's design strategies, analyzing the focus and strengths underlying their often complementary capabilities, as well as their interoperability. The book is divided into two parts, with the first developing the essential concepts on multithreading, thread safety, and management and synchronization, and the second providing an in-depth discussion of TBB and OpenMP, including the latest features in OpenMP 4.0 to ensure readers' skills are fully up-to-date. Each chapter includes examples drawn from a variety of disciplines, including molecular dynamics and image processing, with full source code and software libraries that readers can adapt into their own projects. Designed to introduce threading and multicore programming to teach modern coding strategies for developers in applied computing Leverages author Victor Alessandrini's rich experience to explain each platform's design strategies, analyzing the focus and strengths underlying their often complementary capabilities, as well as their interoperability Includes complete, up-to-date discussions of OpenMP 4.0 and TBB Based on the author's training sessions, including information on source code and software libraries which can be repurposed

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